I'm currently a postdoctoral researcher in Bettina Lotsch's group at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany. My research project focuses on the synthesis and characterisation of zirconium–porphyrin MOFs. These systems show potential as photocatalysts, yet the synthesis is notoriously irreproducible and often leads to a mixture of polymorphs.I studied Chemistry at the University of St Andrews and subsequently completed my DPhil in Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Oxford supervised by Andrew Goodwin. My DPhil focused on the structural degrees of freedom in dense coordination polymers with perovskite-like structures. In 2019, I started my first postdoctoral position at Uppsala University, where I was given the opportunity to develop my own research ideas. I continued delving into the metal–cyanide compounds Prussian blue analogues. Ultimately, I hope to use my knowledge of these materials to improve their potential for applications within e.g. energy storage or switching.